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Longevity Network

Longevity.Network is the world's premier Longevity-focused events brand, founded and sponsored by Longevity Financial Club, DeepTech and Longevity Industry Financial Advisors, Deep Knowledge Group and their associates. Formally established in 2021, Longevity Network has hosted more than 10 key events since its inauguration across London, Geneva and Zurich, and in such prestigious venues as the UK House of Lords, the Oxford and Cambridge Club and London’s landmark Shard building. It builds upon and inherits the assets and expertise behind the 50+ conferences previously organized, hosted and sponsored by Deep Knowledge Group and its consortium of subsidiaries and affiliates.

Subscribe for updates on our future events via the contact form at the bottom of this page, and join our growing community at Longevity.International, a first-of-its-kind, open-access non-profit and decentralized Longevity Industry Knowledge and Collaboration platform developed over several years and formally launched in 2021 with the aim of promoting a greater degree of synergy, efficient cooperation, and discussion among a variety of Longevity Industry participants and stakeholders, including companies, investors, non-profits, academic labs and R&D hubs, governmental bodies and policy makers.


Longevity Nation Conference

Longevity Nation Conference

The Israel Longevity Industry Ecosystem IT Platform was first unveiled at the Longevity Nation conference in Tel Aviv, Israel, which featured headline talks by a critical mass of Longevity thought-leaders including Ilia Stambler, Dmitry Kaminskiy, Nir Barzilai, Aubrey de Grey, Evelyne Bischof and more than 30 others from around the globe.

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View Our Other Past Conferences

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Health is The New Wealth (1920x1080).webp
The Emerging Longevity Industry - A UAE Perspective (1920x1080) (3).webp
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Landscape of Cancer Vaccines and Research Platforms (Facebook).webp
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