Deep Knowledge Analytics and Big Innovation Centre held a launch event and a dinner reception for their latest report: ‘Artificial Intelligence in the UK: Industry landscape overview in 2021’ on Wednesday, 15 December 2021 in London, the most comprehensive industry mapping made to date. The report lists, profiles, and analyses over 3,600 private and public sector entities across 20 sectors and 50 locations in the UK. The in-person private dinner reception followed the online press launch, which allowed for attendees to join from across the globe.
[From top left] Prof. Birgitte Andersen, CEO of Big Innovation Centre; Dr Scott Steedman CBE, Director-General, British Standards Institution; Lord Clement-Jones CBE, Co-chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence; Prof. Stuart Russell, Founder of the Center for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence, UC Berkeley; Charles Kerrigan, Partner, CMS; Dmitry Kaminskiy, Founder of Deep Knowledge Analytics and Co-founder of Innovation Eye; Stephen Metcalfe MP, Co-chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence - Online Press Launch of the AI in the UK 2022 report.
Mr Dmitry Kaminskiy, General Partner of Deep Knowledge Group, kickstarted the event highlighting the growth in investments on AI, currently at £13bn, placing the industry at the cusp of becoming a catalyst for the UK economy and cementing the UK’s stance as a global player in the AI world.
[Left] Prof. Birgitte Andersen (Co-Founder of Innovation Eye and CEO of Big Innovation Centre, the Secretariat for the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence), The Rt. Hon. Lord Clement-Jones MP (Co-Chair of the UK All-Party Parliamentary group on Artificial Intelligence) and Deep Knowledge Group General Partner and Innovation Eye Co-Founder Dmitry Kaminskiy with the print report summary [Right] Hosting the Private Launch Dinner Reception in the River room at the historical Royal Horseguards Hotel in Westminster, London.
On the report’s findings, Kaminskiy emphasised London’s already accelerating influence on the global industry, as home to 1300 AI companies, 65% of the entire UK AI industry ecosystem, and the most active AI hub in Europe.
At the event, attended by key, high level industry figures, members from academia and the press, Mr Kaminskiy also reiterated Deep Knowledge Group’s commitment to harness the power of technology and to promote investments to strengthen and expand the industry through active collaboration with partners in government and the private sector.
Kaminskiy added: 'It's very promising to see how fast the UK AI industry bounced back this year in spite of global trends. We are fostering growth through the creation of regional tech hubs to enhance London’s already accelerating influence on the global industry'.
Deep Knowledge Group General Partner Dmitry Kaminskiy alongside The Rt. Hon. Lord Clement-Jones MP (Co-Chair of the UK All-Party Parliamentary group on Artificial Intelligence) and other guests in attendance.
The 2021 report builds on current trends and developments updating Innovation Eye's first edition from 2018. At the launch, its CEO, Professor Birgitte Andersen noted the growth of UK AI entrepreneurship and innovation since the last analysis with the largest sectors being FinTech, followed closely by Healthcare, and Marketing and Advertising.
[Left] Deep Knowledge Group General Partner Dmitry Kaminskiy & Prof. Birgitte Andersen with Dr Lutz-Peter Berg of the Swiss Embassy. [Right] Copies of Kaminskiy’s newest book, ‘Biomarkers of Human Longevity: Data Science for Accelerating Aging Research and R&D, The Critical Catalyst for Practical Human Longevity and Tangible Investment Decision Making and De-Risking’ made available to the guests in attendance.
A leading partner for the AI industry is the All-party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence (APPG AI), which addresses the economic, social and ethical implications of developing and implementing Artificial Intelligence. APPG-AI chair Stephen Metcalfe MP, welcomed the report, highlighting that the detailed results described within must be considered by the politicians and the AI office of the government leading the AI strategy.
[Left] CEO of Big Innovation Centre Prof. Birgitte Andersen discussing the AI in UK 2021 report with Roger Boyes, Diplomatic Editor from The Times. [Right] Innovation Eye Co-Founders Prof. Birgitte Andersen discussing mind maps from the AI in UK 2021 report with The Rt. Hon. Lord Clement-Jones MP (Co-Chair of the UK All-Party Parliamentary group on Artificial Intelligence).
In turn, Lord Clement-Jones CBE, and APPG-AI co-chair expressed his satisfaction on seeing evidence in this report, that investment and uptake of AI technology and integration is now happening in cooperation with regulators and policy bodies, playing a pivotal and positive role to help promote dialogue with industry stakeholders and citizens to shape AI technologies to become more ethical and purposeful. Central to the panel discussion was the importance of developing a stronger alliance between universities, research centres and the government on AI readiness and skills and the study of ethics and policy development.
Dmitry Kaminskiy with [Left] Dr. Mike Short CBE FREng FIET, Chief Scientific Advisor for the UK Department for International Trade (DIT) and [Right] with Pretesh Patel, President of the Cambridge AI in Medicine Society
On the subject, British computer scientist and founder of the Center for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence at UC Berkeley, Professor Stuart Russell described the report’s finding as confirmation of the UK as an AI powerhouse , well supported by Government and the financial sector. Russel added that to realise the potentially enormous economic and social benefits of AI in the future, we will also need technological and regulatory measures to ensure AI remains safe and beneficial. The Deep Knowledge Group team remains committed to the prioritisation and championing of UK based development across all technology sectors, as well as analytics to showcase and provide visualisation of UK industries, including AI with its dominant position as one of the foremost accelerating technologies in the UK.
The Deep Knowledge Group team in attendance Remus Stanescu; Dmitry Kaminskiy; Yin Yee Chan along with esteemed guests Chris Linnell, President of the Canadian Longevity Association and Marat Karpeko, Co-founder of Wargaming (World of Games/World of Tanks)